Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Aurora CSAP scores show gains over state growth rates, reading and science dips

Heather L. Smith / The Aurora Sentinel

Students across the state have fallen behind in reading proficiency in the past year, while local students have fared somewhat better, according to Colorado Student Assessment Program data released by the Colorado Department of Education this week.
Statewide, the 2011 CSAP scores reveal an overall lag in students scoring proficient or advanced in reading in all grades except for third grade.
In Aurora’s two public school districts, the reading results were mixed. Aurora Public Schools’ reading scores showed increases in proficient and advanced scores in third, sixth, ninth and 10th grade; while fourth-, fifth-, seventh- and eighth-graders showed decreases.
At Cherry Creek, the reading trends aligned more closely with the state results, with decreases in fifth through ninth grades and increases in third and 10th grade. The reading results for fourth grade remained static at Cherry Creek.